In Finding Ghosts Through Time Travel, a small room with three direct references to ghosts that are widely used in western popular culture flood the cramped space. The flickering lights and 18.9hz frequency that vibrates at the same functional level as the human eye induce a sense of paranoia layered with hilarity at the trope of the ghost as a storyteller in a fine art context specifically.

Despite the long history and lack of faith in the reality of ghosts, they persist all around us in forms we have yet to understand. Ghosts serve as our irrational explanation to rational stimuli, yet also are a pillar of literal and theoretical astrophysics. Ghosts take shape in the transference of energy from a body on the surface of the Earth to one underneath it. They exist in other manners benign and grand such as the lag in a webcam, the light from stars that we view in a telescope, and the impression light that a 3d scanner places onto its subject.

The usage of ghosts in this context is an attempt to redefine how ghosts are understood and how we as rational humans can use these irrational vessels to describe and explain our falsehoods and traumas to each other in a much more comforting but honest manner.